So let’s change that shall we? With the strategic L.E.A.P. 3-Stage Organizational Transformation framework you can turn uncertainty caused by change into confidence and courage where your people thrive through change successfully and in a timely manner.
Looking for a way to empower your people while navigating through change.
You have implemented change yet the adoption and the adaptation to the change initiative is not flowing and you are not advancing towards the objectives that your aim to reach.
You may be experiencing that a lot of your most valuable asset, people and talent, are leaving because they are unclear where the change will lead them and lack of transparent communication.
Further, a toxic environment has been created because the leaders are not aligned, they do not communicate nor collaborate among them, decreasing their productivity leading to decreased overall results.
...Where you can save time and money implementing and unleashing the full potential of your leaders while also diminishing the toxicity of the workplace environment.
After working as a top executive for Fortune 500 companies, I too struggled with toxicity. That is why I developed the L.E.A.P. 3- Stage Transformational journey (Leadership Evaluation Adaptive Progression) so your leaders can reclaim their own certainty, inspire others to do the same and then they can all thrive and not survive through change successfully, courageously and in a timely manner!
Let's create an environment that brings the best in your people, helping them thrive in life and work.
Our L.E.A.P. Framework aligns organizational goals with individuals strengths, ensuring higher adoption rates. The adaptation to the change initiative will be faster. This is because leaders have reclaimed their own certainty and have clarity of their compelling future.
I’ve spent years refining my L.E.A.P. 3-Stage Transformational framework to ensure accelerated adoption rates, faster adaptation , increased credibility of change initiatives, and most importantly, retention of your most valuable asset: your people.
Some of my results:
Throughout my career, structuring the non structured in Blue Chip companies I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t in Organizational Transformations. I’ve been able to identify the common mistakes organizations make and learned how to overcome them in a much lighter and easier way to ensure success.
Having a realistic thought out goal without considering the impromptus that may appear and can cause the change to derail. Transformations are processes and it is easy to get desperate and lose focus.
Shift from fear to growth mindset to create an expansive market.
Cultural mindset shift to embrace a 9 GBP figure which shifted budget allocations, relevancy and focus.
From an operational mindset to embrace a visionary, strategic and innovative thought leadership.
Reverting a decision in 5 weeks from a complete NO to a full YES impacting 440 families community.
"Awarded “Stand Out Coach” in 2016 and 2017 for MEM partnership of Deloitte, Citibanamex and TEC de Monterrey."
"Recognized by Business Unit Director at European Pharmaceutical Company for mentoring that empowered her to set clear priorities, implement her values, and lead in an agile manner."
"Thanked by COO of one of the largest Spirit Company in Mexico for coaching that brought structure to the team, increasing productivity by +10% within one year."
"I have worked with Maya for many years, first at Coca-Cola Mexico, where she worked in many multifunctional projects with sales, operations and key accounts, from there I realized that Maya is a dedicated professional that can easily show passion for what she does, can move from strategy to execution and in her ambition to give results she can lead difficult projects and very high-level agendas in global companies.
After that I worked with her in Diageo Mexico, in my opinion she was leading at regional level a very complex agenda, to turn around the performance of one brand, from that moment I realized that she can move a global agenda and adapt it to a variety of markets with different complexities.
Maya likes to do what she thinks is right, she leads with passion, knowledge and results."
- M.Lourdes Fernandez Vieyra
"At the beginning of this challenge I arrived with an idea in me to change to be able to have that certainty and to recognize everything that was limiting me. I think that after these sessions I learned a lot, I managed to become aware of how important it is to have that certainty, to know who I am and embrace it and to know what I want to be."
In a world where there is so much uncertainty, Maya’s 3 stage transformative Roadmap, of creating a certain working environment is golden!
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you have been a leader for 1 or more than 10 years; learning to thrive through change, by being aware of your conscious beliefs, is key to implementing and adjusting to organizational change.
Thank you Maya for sharing your knowledge & experience!
- Sumita L.
Thank you so much for the semester. This class has been one of my favorite classes since I started my University path and all what you taught us was very interesting and I have learned a lot even though we all have lived during this unusual situation. June 2020.
- Ana María Vásquez del Mercado de Diego.
I send you the evaluation and I wanted to tell you that I had a great time in your class, I found it very useful and interesting, you are a very good teacher who motivate us (considering the hour) to do our best, we need more teachers like you. I am very thankful for all that you taught me, I think is the first marketing class someone explained me good and really like their subject, as well I am already using what I learned. - Thank you very much. June 2020.
- Montserrat Aguilar.
Thank you Maya for an amazing semester experience! Hoping to have another class with you!!! Consumer Behavior June 2020.
- Camila Corzo Haua .
I take advantage of this email to thank you for the semester. I learned a lot from you and know that everything that I learned I will be able to apply in my professional life. Thanks for everything. Consumer Behavior June 2020 .
- Carolina Grossmann Silberstein.
Thank you for everything this semester, I really learned a lot from you. Consumer Behavior June 2020.
- Aura Caraza Peimbert .